Rather than fill our website with random images of light bulbs and people looking seriously at graphs, we thought we would tell you about our science and tech heroes. You may not have heard of them - but their inspiring work is equal to that of people like Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Alan Turing and Steve Jobs. To find out more about our heroes, click on their pictures.

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

First to detect pulsars, one of the most important discoveries of 20th-century astrophysics

Tenacious, pushing ahead in the face of scepticism

Gracious when her contributions were overlooked by the Nobel Committee

First female President of the Institute of Physics

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Tommy Flowers

Designed Colossus, the world’s first large-scale electronic computer

Transformed code-breaking, providing a better, faster way to break code more complex than Enigma

Not afraid to simplify to solve complex issues

As much a father of computing as Alan Turing

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Stanley Hooker

Designed engines for many of the world's greatest aircraft

Innovative, determined and results driven

Some would say Britain’s greatest engineer

Contributed to victory in the Second World War and Falklands conflict

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